Think and Grow Rich: A book about why Less is More

Think and Grow Rich is a book about how it pays to do less.

When I picked up this book, I expected it to be about how a having a positive frame of mind is to be rich in and of itself. I didn’t read many reviews or summaries.

I didn’t realize I was getting myself into a book about tangible wealth creation. I thought of riches as a positive benefit of thinking the right way. I expected a spiritual book.

To be fair, the book is quite spiritual. But beyond positive thinking, the book is equally about focus and persistence.

It is about directing one’s spirit very intentionally to create wealth. Having a positive frame of mind is key. But it’s only the beginning.

If I had to sum up the overall message of the book, I’d say the following:

Do less but do it with purpose.


If you want something in life pursue it endlessly.

Take it.

Rid yourself of distractions. Purposeful persistence is key to success. Addition by subtraction.

Do Less.

Manifest your destiny, by focusing.

Talk to yourself about it first thing in the morning and the last thing at night before you go to bed.

Napoleon Hill, the author, was a confidant of the Steel Magnate Andrew Carnegie. The book contains what he calls his system, which he derived from observing as many successful people as possible. He claims it is impossible for this system to fail.

Instead, people fail the system by giving up!

It’s amazing how much intangible value can be created by having the right mindset.

It’s amazing how much value a mind can create for the world. And when we create for others with the intention of improving their lives, it is only natural that you would reap an award.

And, at the very least, people enjoy the company of those with a positive mindset.

Happy 2022 to all!